How can you ever resist a dog’s smile? Or, their wiggliest, happiest tail wag? Here’s a simple answer – you can’t! And, neither could the kind rescuers who stumbled upon Professor Plum –…
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If a dog doesn’t grow up in a safe and happy environment, it is highly likely that it will become very antisocial, depressed, and anxious. Because of this, when the pup does find…
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Some dogs never get the chance to feel true love. Instead, they spend their whole life trying to escape abuse and neglect, but sadly, only a few succeed. Mistreated dogs are often perceived…
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There are some dogs whose stories make you cry your soul out, and Tyson is definitely one of them! When I first heard this sturdy, senior boi’s story, I couldn’t gather my thoughts…
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If dogs could talk, they would ask their family to love them immensely and to hold them in their arms every single day. Their parents’ loving embrace is the only place where they…
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When Cinnamon – a red nose Pitbull girl – was dumped at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Care & Control shelter in North Carolina, she was absolutely heartbroken. She had been abandoned without her…
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From Latina, Italy, comes a heartwarming story that will surely leave you teary-eyed. Losing a dog might be one of the most heart-wrenching moments for a dog owner. Without any doubt, every loving…
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It’s a very difficult thing to accept that things are turning out for the worse when you had thought they started getting better, and the hero of today’s story felt exactly that. March,…
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If there is anything that always makes me feel heartbroken, it’s seeing a struggling pup trying to survive in the freezing cold. Like all of us, they just want a warm home and…
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When one of the outreach volunteers from a dog rescue organization called Sidewalk Specials noticed some children looking for kibble, she couldn’t help but ask who they were trying to feed. The children…
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