The image below depicts four women, each with their hands positioned in a distinct manner that conveys something about their respective emotional states. As we examine this scene, one question arises: can we discern which of these individuals is being untruthful?

The positioning of one’s hands can often provide subtle clues about a person’s internal state. In this case, the varied hand gestures of the four women suggest a range of sentiments, from openness and engagement to potential discomfort or evasiveness. Carefully observing these nonverbal cues may offer insight into the authenticity of their expressions.
Determining which, if any, of these women is being deceptive would require a more thorough analysis of their body language, tone of voice, and other contextual factors. However, the image alone presents an intriguing opportunity to consider how physical mannerisms can serve as windows into our underlying thoughts and emotions.
Can you figure it out?
A little clue: There may be more than one woman lying.
Do you have your answer ready? You’ll see the correct explanation down below.
Woman 1.

Image source: Fabiosa Digest
Explanation: This woman is probably not lying. Her open hands indicate that she is relaxed and has nothing to hide.
Woman 2.

Image source: Fabiosa Digest
Explanation: Here we see something suspicious. The woman is pulling her ear, which indicates nervousness, she doesn’t know what to do with her hands. This woman is lying!
Woman 3.

Image source: Fabiosa Digest
Explanation: This woman is very interested in the conversation. She listens carefully and takes in what you say to her. Her interest suggests she’s not lying to you.
Woman 4.

Image source: Fabiosa Digest
Explanation: Here, we are dealing with a liar. According to experts, a hand to the mouth is the clearest sign that someone is lying. She hides her mouth because she knows that what comes out of it is not true.
So two women are lying, number two and number four.
Did you manage to figure out who was lying before looking at the answer?
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