The day Aliza Rose was born should have been one of the happiest moments of her parents’ lives. But just 8 short days later, their world came crashing down in the most devastating way imaginable.

Source: Aliza’s Story
Aliza’s mom, a first-time parent, was overjoyed to welcome her baby girl into the world. Despite a difficult pregnancy and an early labor scare, Aliza arrived happy and healthy on May 12, 2018. Her parents were elated – until a nightmare began to unfold.
Just 36 hours after her birth, Aliza started showing worrying symptoms like low blood sugar, lack of appetite, and lethargy. Her condition rapidly deteriorated, and she had to be rushed to a larger hospital. There, doctors finally delivered the devastating diagnosis: Aliza had contracted the HSV-1 virus, also known as the common cold sore virus.
HSV-1 may sound harmless, but for newborns under 2 weeks old, it can be nothing short of deadly. This ubiquitous virus kills nearly 14,000 infants annually, yet it’s a tragedy that receives startlingly little attention.
The truly horrifying part? Aliza likely contracted the virus from a simple, loving touch – a kiss from a friend or family member, or even someone who failed to properly wash their hands. As her mom says, “The virus is so widespread that there’s no way to ever find out who transmitted it to her.”

Source: Aliza’s Story
For Aliza’s parents, the next several days were a living hell. Despite the doctors’ initial glimmer of hope, Aliza’s condition rapidly deteriorated. She needed oxygen, then a tangle of tubes and machines to keep her alive. The medications intended to help her ended up causing seizures instead.
Through it all, Aliza’s mom never stopped fighting. She begged doctors to take her concerns seriously, to treat the virus aggressively. But the relentless infection had already taken hold, destroying Aliza’s brain and lungs.
Just 6 and a half days after her birth, Aliza was declared brain-dead. Her devastated parents held her as her little heart stopped beating. The virus had completely demolished her tiny body.
Aliza’s tragic death has left an unfillable void in the lives of her parents. But they are determined that her short life will not be in vain. They are sharing Aliza’s story to raise awareness about the dangers of HSV-1 and to urge others to take precautions to protect vulnerable newborns.

Source: Aliza’s Story
“Aliza didn’t die in vain if she was able to save even one infant,” her mom says. Never kiss a baby, and always wash your hands before handling them. These simple steps can make the difference between life and death.
Aliza’s story is a heartrending reminder of how fragile and precious life can be. In the blink of an eye, a joyous occasion can turn into unimaginable tragedy.
As you hug your loved ones a little tighter today, remember baby Aliza and the crucial lessons her short life has taught us all. By spreading awareness and taking precautions, we can help prevent other families from enduring this same soul-shattering pain.
Aliza Rose’s story is an unthinkable tragedy that no parent should ever have to experience. But her parents are determined to turn their unspeakable loss into an opportunity to save other babies.
By sharing Aliza’s story and educating others about the deadly dangers of the HSV-1 virus, they hope to prevent similar heartbreak. Simple steps like never kissing a newborn and always washing your hands can truly mean the difference between life and death.
Aliza’s life was cruelly cut short, but her legacy lives on in this crucial crusade. Her parents’ unbearable grief is a testament to the preciousness of every moment we have with our loved ones. Let Aliza’s story inspire us all to cherish each day to the fullest.